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Warringal Conservation Society

Led by staff of Melbourne Water, WCS was one of 220 organisations involved in developing this Strategy for the Port Phillip and Westernport region. We welcomed this new, collaborative approach to planning. Our Committee members attended many community consultation workshops...

WCS has called the Powerful Owl Ninox strenua one of Banyule’s Special Species. It is Australia’s largest owl, measuring up to 65cm in length. They are nocturnal and feed on possums, bats and rabbits, which they catch with large talons.

WCS organised a night walk on the 8th of September as part of the Spring Outdoors program. We had about 30 participants and met at the Swamp viewing area at twilight to watch the birds coming in. As it began...

Warringal Conservation Society have produced a map of the Banyule Flats Reserve to help walkers and cyclists discover the Main Yarra Trail, Banyule Swamp and Banyule Billabong. Key points of interest and unsealed paths where you can wander and enjoy...

Providing wildlife habitat is important for supporting fauna and retaining ecological diversity, especially if it involves indigenous planting. We love the concept of individual homes creating a stepping stones which build into a wildlife corridor. Participants in the program are...

WCS opposed the development of a function centre at this iconic property on the Banyule Flats escarpment. Our environmental concerns were the loss of trees and habitat, the impact of car park and water tanks on the view from the...