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Warringal Conservation Society

WCS Committee members recently met with Banyule City Council Officers from the Environment and Parks areas.
We discussed plans for management of the reserve including location and types of revegetation, nest boxes, management of feral pests and weeds, and pathways...

Although it was hot and it was hard work – especially in waders – around 20 people joined us for Clean up Australia Day. We cleaned up 100s of plastic bottles and bags, tennis balls, a couple of plastic kids...

Each summer the migratory waders, Latham’s Snipe, migrate south from their breeding grounds in Japan to spend the summer in southern Australia. A few regularly select the reed beds and swamp at Banyule Flats and this year is no exception.

About a dozen people joined us for a walk on the evening of Sat 9th Feb, including a few who hadn’t previously visited Banyule flats and a baby. A Kookaburra was seen in the big old Eucalyptus studleyensis (Swamp gum...

In late November a small group gathered at the Banyule Flats swamp viewing area to officially launch [with a cuppa] the new interpretative signs developed by WCS in collaboration with Banyule Bushland staff Megan Lowe and Chris Callahan. Joining WCS...

Hidden behind some remnant River Red Gums and indigenous re-vegetation, most people visiting the Banyule Flats Reserve would not be aware of this important site, close to the open water of the swamp.

The Billabong would naturally fill with water...